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The Sun's mock-up of Boris Johnson 'crawling over broken glass' as Angela Merkel looks on |
BRITAIN could be heading for a No Deal Brexit as crunch talks are coming down to the wire.
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has refused to close the door on the possibility of the trade talks with the European Union continuing past the Sunday deadline.
He said "never say never" and highlighted that negotiations with Brussels have a tendency to "drag and drift".
If we leave the EU without a deal there are small things we can do to still make a success of a No Deal Brexit.
BRETAÑA podría estar dirigiéndose a un Brexit "No Deal", ya que las conversaciones están llegando a su fin.
(FOTO - Titular del periódico "The Sun" donde se burla de Boris Johnson, que después de arrastrarse sobre vidrios rotos dice que no es para tanto, Angela Merkel le da la espalda)
El Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores Dominic Raab se ha negado a cerrar la puerta a la posibilidad de que las conversaciones comerciales con la Unión Europea continúen más allá del plazo del domingo.
Dijo "nunca digas nunca" y destacó que las negociaciones con Bruselas tienen una tendencia a "arrastrarse y desviarse".
Si dejamos a la UE sin un acuerdo, hay pequeñas cosas que podemos hacer para que el "No Deal Brexit" sea un éxito.
Here are 10 ways to do that.
1 - Enjoy a lamb roast
Sunday roasts could become cheaper if you order lamb as a surplus of British meat will likely flood the market.
We currently produce more lamb than we consume and EU tariffs could place export taxes of up to 40 per cent on goods.
Los asados de los domingos podrían ser más baratos si pide cordero, ya que el excedente de carne británica probablemente inundará el mercado.
Actualmente producimos más cordero del que consumimos y los aranceles de la UE podrían imponer impuestos a la exportación de hasta el 40% de la mercancía.
2 - Drink British
English wine is quickly growing its reputation and picking up awards sch as the Roebuck Estates in West Sussex and Simpsons in Kent.
Alcohol could face import tariffs of 18 per cent - giving you more reason to buy British alcohol.
El vino inglés está creciendo rápidamente su reputación y recibiendo premios como el Roebuck Estates en West Sussex y Simpsons en Kent.
El alcohol podría enfrentarse a aranceles de importación del 18%, lo que da más razones para comprar alcohol británico.
3 - Gouda cheese options
The cost of French cheese could increase by 40 per cent but there are plenty of British alternatives.
Somerset brie and camembert, Baron Bigod cheese from Suffolk and Stinking Bishop from Gloucestershire are just a few of many British options.
El costo del queso francés podría aumentar en un 40%, pero hay muchas alternativas británicas.
El brie y el camembert de Somerset, el queso Baron Bigod de Suffolk y el Obispo Apestoso de Gloucestershire son sólo algunas de las muchas opciones británicas.
4 - Staycations
Enjoying your next holiday in the UK may be cheaper than going abroad in the event of a No Deal Brexit. Going on holiday in the UK will not only be less hassle but a good way to support an industry. British travellers may need extra documentation and insurance to abroad after January.
Disfrutar de tus próximas vacaciones en el Reino Unido puede ser más barato que ir al extranjero en el caso de un Brexit No Deal. Ir de vacaciones en el Reino Unido no sólo será menos problemático, sino una buena manera de apoyar una industria. Los viajeros británicos pueden necesitar documentación adicional y un seguro en el extranjero después de enero.
5 - British fashion
British-made fashion will become cheaper as EU imports on clothes could hike prices by 12 per cent.
La moda de fabricación británica será más barata, ya que las importaciones de ropa de la UE podrían aumentar los precios en un 12%.
6 - Seafood
Eating more mussels would help support the British fishing industry. Diners tend to eat salmon, tuna and cod - which most of it is imported from abroad.
If we ate more mussels, mackerel, sardines and pollock it could be a huge boost to the British fishing industry. A No Deal Brexit will allow British boats to cat more fish in UK water and also drive prices down.
Comer más mejillones ayudaría a apoyar la industria pesquera británica. Los comensales tienden a comer salmón, atún y bacalao, que en su mayoría es importado del extranjero.
Si comemos más mejillones, caballa, sardinas y abadejo podría ser un gran impulso para la industria pesquera británica. Un Brexit "No Deal" permitirá a los barcos británicos capturar más peces en aguas del Reino Unido y también hará bajar los precios.
7 - More powerful vaccuums
If we leave the EU without a deal, we can ditch ridiculous rules such as one that limits the power of hoovers to just 900-watts. The UK will be able buy models up to the old 1,600-watt limit.
Si dejamos la UE sin un acuerdo, podemos deshacernos de reglas ridículas como la que limita la potencia de las aspiradoras a sólo 900 vatios. El Reino Unido podrá comprar modelos hasta el antiguo límite de 1.600 vatios.
8 - Enjoy more Japanese
Our new trade deal with Japan will make goods such as bluefin tuna, Kobe beef and udon noodles cheaper here and 99 per cent of UK exports will benefit from tariff-free trade too.
Nuestro nuevo acuerdo comercial con el Japón hará que productos como el atún rojo, la carne de Kobe y los fideos udon sean más baratos aquí y el 99% de las exportaciones del Reino Unido se beneficiarán también del comercio libre de aranceles.
9 - Buy British cars
Buying a car made in the UK would help support an industry that employs 180,000 people and would be a good way to avoid paying import taxes.
Comprar un coche fabricado en el Reino Unido ayudaría a apoyar una industria que emplea a 180.000 personas y sería una buena manera de evitar el pago de impuestos de importación.
French farmers and fishermen, German car and electronic giants and Mediterranean tourist industries that rely on Brits for their profits would be fighting for survival amid the wreckage of Covid.
Los agricultores y pescadores franceses, los gigantes alemanes del automóvil y la electrónica y las industrias turísticas del Mediterráneo que dependen de los británicos para sus beneficios estarían luchando por la supervivencia entre los restos de Covid.
Christmas Covid rules
People will be able to travel anywhere in the UK - no matter what tier they are in - to form "bubbles" of three households over a five-day period.
Health experts have urged people to think carefully about who they mix with, amid fears more mixing could cost lives.
Xmas is definetely a special Xmas. As the coronavirus is still around,
there are some things that we will not be allowed to do. These are the
rules that those who live in the UK have to follow this year.
What I can do at Christmas?
1. - Three households can form a temporary "Christmas bubble" from 23-27 Dec.
Family households consist of two or more individuals who
are related by birth, marriage, or adoption, although they also may
include other unrelated people.
Nonfamily households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals.
A bubble is defined as a group of people with whom you have close physical contact. The aim is to help people who've been cut off from friends and family.
Bubbles must be "exclusive". Once in one, you can't start another with a different household.
Everyone is allowed to form a Christmas bubble. There are three main rules:
a) You can only be in one Christmas bubble
b) You cannot change your Christmas bubble
c) Your Christmas bubble should not include people from more than three households
It is important that you keep your Christmas bubble as small as possible.
2. - They can mix indoors in private homes and stay overnight.
Indoors is relating to the interior of a building.
Private home means a non-public residence, such as a house, duplex, townhouse, apartment, or mobile home, where a licensee lives and has control over the furnishings and use of space.
Overnight is to remain in a place as a guest or visitor for one night.
3. - No travel restrictions in the five-day period.
Between 23 and 27 December, you may travel between tiers and other nations of the UK if necessary to meet with other households in your Christmas bubble or return home. Once at your destination, you should follow the rules in that tier.
Tier is an area in the UK, that form a row (in a more or less straight line) across the map as of seats in an amphitheater or boxes in a theatre. Every tier falls into one of three alert levels.
4. - You can't go to a pub or restaurant with your bubble.
You cannot mix with your Christmas bubble in hospitality settings, such as pubs and restaurants, or at entertainment venues.
(Hospitality is about people welcoming other people into their homes or other places where they work or spend their time.)
Suitable places include parks, beaches, open countryside and playgrounds.
Some traditional Christmas activities will also be allowed in England: Santa's grottos, with social distancing, can be held in venues allowed to open.
Santa's grotto is a part of a department store, etc., installed in the period before Christmas and decorated to resemble a cavern, where children can meet a person dressed as Santa Claus and sometimes receive small gifts.
Door-to-door carol singing is allowed in groups up to six
5. - If you have coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating you cannot join a bubble.
Coronavirus symptoms: Fever or chills. Cough. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Fatigue. Muscle or body aches. Headache. New loss of taste or smell. Sore throat.
Is known as ‘self-isolating’ for example when you arrive in the UK, you must travel directly to the place you are staying and not leave until 10 days have passed since you were last in a non-exempt country, territory or island.
6. - You can meet people outside your Christmas bubble outdoors, but only in line with rules of the tier where you staying.
You can continue to meet people who are not in your Christmas bubble outside your home according to the rules in the tier you are meeting in.
Outdoor public places include: parks, beaches, parts of the countryside open to the general public, public gardens, allotments (a plot of land rented by an individual for growing vegetables or flowers), playgrounds
7. - What if I'm in a care home or want to visit someone who is?
Care home is a small institution providing accommodation and care for people who are unable to look after themselves.
In England, care home residents should not take part in Christmas bubbles, while visits out of the home should only be considered for residents of "working age".
However, more than a million coronavirus tests are being sent to care homes in England. This will allow family and friends to visit if they test negative, regardless of which tier they are in.
Residents should be able to receive up to two visitors twice a week, provided there hasn't been an outbreak at the care home.
** Max. 8 people in Scotland, not including under 12s
** In N Ireland 22-28 Dec
Absolutely Wonderful speech
So wholesome, (likely to benefit you physically, morally, or emotionally)
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enlace VIDEO thejournal.ie |
As Minister for Foreign affairs, we've been working on the Santa Claus issue for a number of weeks now, and it's important to say to all children in the country, that we regard Santa Claus’s travels as essential travel for essential purposes,
and therefore he is exempt from the need to self-quarantine for 14 days and should be able to come in and out of Irish airspace and indeed in and out of Irish homes without having to restrict his movement.
But I am assured that children should not stay up at night because he does need to social distance and so people need to keep at least two meters away at all stage to make sure that we keep him safe and indeed children as well.
So, he's exempt, he's coming, he's confirmed that and he appreciates the fact that Ireland has ensured that in a very very different Christmas in 2020 the visit of Santa Claus will be something that will remain consistent.
Maravilloso discurso
Como Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, hemos estado trabajando en el tema de Papá Noel desde hace varias semanas, y es importante decir a todos los niños del país que consideramos los viajes de Papá Noel como viajes esenciales para fines esenciales y,
por lo tanto, está exento de la necesidad de autocuarentena durante 14 días y debería poder entrar y salir del espacio aéreo irlandés y, de hecho, entrar y salir de los hogares irlandeses sin tener que restringir sus movimientos.
Pero me aseguran que los niños no deben quedarse despiertos por la noche porque él necesita distancia social y por lo tanto la gente necesita mantenerse al menos a dos metros de distancia en todo momento para asegurarse de que lo mantengamos seguro y, de hecho, a los niños también.
Así que está dispensado, viene, lo ha confirmado y aprecia el hecho de que Irlanda se haya asegurado de que en una Navidad muy, muy diferente en 2020 la visita de Santa Claus será algo que permanecerá invariable.
GENERACIONES: Baby Boomers, X, Y y Z
generación Baby Boomer destaca es por su
rigurosidad, por su profesionalidad y por el valor futuro que le otorga
al bienestar y a la salud.
La generación X, conocida como la generación puente o como la generación que aboga por el trabajo en equipo.
La generación Y que es la generación Millennial, la generación de la autoconfianza, flexibilidad, versatilidad y autoconfianza.
generación Z, la generación del futuro donde todo está por describir,
pero con un sin fin de retos y expectativas a sus manos.
¿Y cuáles serán las generaciones del futuro?
conocida generación T, generación táctil o generación Alpha se verá
sometida a los desafíos del futuro, especialmente los relacionados con
el ámbito educativo y medioambiental.
Baby Boomer generation stands out for its thoroughness, professionalism
and the future value it places on well-being and health.
Generation X, known as the bridge generation or the generation that advocates teamwork.
Generation Y is the Millennial generation, the generation of self-confidence, flexibility, versatility and self-confidence.
Z, the generation of the future where everything has yet to be
described, but with endless challenges and expectations at its hands.
And which will be the generations of the future?
well-known T generation, the tactile generation or the Alpha generation
will be subject to the challenges of the future, especially those
related to the educational and environmental fields.
El fotógrafo Robert Capa acuñó el término de 'generación X' para referirse a las personas que nacieron a partir de los 60.
Y Douglas Coupland lo popularizó principalmente por su novela de 1991 "Generación X" que explora los cambios culturales inesperados creados por el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en la clase media de la cultura norteamericana.
En apenas medio siglo, esta generación ha convivido con otras tres: 'baby boomer', Y y Z.
Robert Capa era un pseudónimo, detrás del cual se escondían dos personas: un hombre y una mujer.
Gerda Taro, judía nacida en Alemania en 1910 tuvo que emigrar a París para sobrevir, debido al ascenso de Hitler al poder. Allí conoció a Endre Friedmann, judío de Budapest que también abandonó su país por motivos políticos, quien se convertiría en su pareja sentimental y compañero de profesión.
Dos judíos veinteañeros tenían poco futuro en la Europa antisemita del momento. Pero tuvieron la genial idea de inventarse un pseudónimo bajo el cual les resultaría más fácil y más rentable vender los trabajos fotográficos que realizaran los dos. Así nació Robert Capa, como un rico y famoso fotógrafo estadounidense.
La guerra civil española les brindó la oportunidad de realizar un excepcional trabajo fotoperiodístico en primera línea de fuego. A Gerda la apodaban «pequeño zorro rojo», por su color de pelo, su astucia y su juventud. Dicen que tenía ojo de fotógrafo, alma de periodista y coraje de guerrero. La mala suerte hizo que muriera en campo de batalla, atropellada accidentalmente por un tanque, cuando estaba a punto de cumplir 27 años (1937).
A partir de ese momento el trabajo fotoperiodístico firmado como Robert Capa fue un poco peor, ya que le faltaba el alma de Gerda.
Al trabajar bajo pseudónimo es difícil saber quién tomó cada foto, y hay mucha polémica al respecto. Incluso la imagen legendaria «Muerte de un miliciano», controvertida en cuanto si fue espontanea o preparada, ahora se piensa que pudo ser tomada por Gerda y no por Endre.
Photographer Robert Capa coined the term 'generation X' to refer to people born after the 1960s.
Douglas Coupland popularized the term "Generation X", mainly because of his 1991 novel Generation X, which explores the unexpected cultural changes created by the impact of new technologies on the middle class of American culture.
In barely half a century, this generation has lived together with three others: 'baby boomer', Y and Z.
Robert Capa was a pseudonym, behind which there were two people: a man and a woman.
Gerda Taro, a Jew born in Germany in 1910, had to emigrate to Paris to survive, due to Hitler's rise to power. There she met Endre Friedmann, a Jew from Budapest who also left his country for political reasons, and who would become her romantic partner and professional companion.
Two Jews in their twenties had little future in the anti-Semitic Europe of the time. But they had the brilliant idea of inventing a pseudonym under which it would be easier and more profitable for them to sell their photographic work. Thus Robert Capa was born, as a rich and famous American photographer.
The Spanish Civil War gave them the opportunity to do exceptional photojournalistic work in the front line. Gerda was nicknamed the "little red fox", because of her hair colour, her cunning and her youth. They say she had the eye of a photographer, the soul of a journalist and the courage of a warrior. Bad luck caused her to die on the battlefield, accidentally run over by a tank, when she was about to turn 27 (1937).
From that moment on, the photojournalistic work signed as Robert Capa was a little worse, as it lacked Gerda's soul.
Working under a pseudonym it is difficult to know who took each photo, and there is much controversy about it. Even the legendary image "Death of a Militiaman", controversial as to whether it was spontaneous or prepared, is now thought to have been taken by Gerda rather than Endre.
Los Baby boomers —nacidos entre 1946 y 1965— y su nombre se debe a que nacieron durante el periodo del baby boom, esto es, la época en la que la tasa de natalidad se vio disparada en varios países anglosajones después de que la Segunda Guerra Mundial llegara a su fin.
Son una generación envidiable, ya que vivieron en su momento todo lo que los jóvenes habrían querido vivir.
Vieron cómo John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr formaban The Beatles en 1962. También vivieron la llegada del hombre a la Luna (1969), los mejores tiempos de los jugadores de fútbol Pelé y Maradona o la caída del Muro de Berlín el 9 de noviembre de 1989.
Pese a que están adaptados al mundo tecnológico, son menos dependientes del smartphone que las siguientes generaciones.
Baby boomers - born between 1946 and 1965 - and their name is due to the fact that they were born during the baby boom period, i.e. the time when the birth rate shot up in several Anglo-Saxon countries after the Second World War came to an end.
They are an enviable generation, having lived at the time everything that young people would have wanted to live.
They saw John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr form The Beatles in 1962. They also experienced the arrival of man on the moon (1969), the best times of the football players Pele and Maradona or the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989.
Although they are adapted to the technological world, they are less dependent on the smartphone than subsequent generations.
La generación X comprende a los nacidos entre 1965 y 1981, durante la reconstrucción de Europa tras el acontecimiento bélico.
No han tenido la vida nada fácil, ya que, tras un periodo convulso, tener un puesto de trabajo era un gran reto. Trabajar y producir era su filosofía de vida, dejando de lado el idealismo. El individualismo, la ambición y la adicción al trabajo —o workaholic— son los valores en los que han crecido.
Generation X comprises those born between 1965 and 1981, during the reconstruction of Europe after the war.
They have not had an easy life, as after a turbulent period, having a job was a great challenge. Working and producing was their philosophy of life, leaving aside idealism. Individualism, ambition and addiction to work - or workaholic - are the values they have grown up with.
Conocidos también como nativos digitales, se considera millennials o generación Y, a las personas nacidas entre 1980 y 2000.
La tecnología forma parte de su día a día: todas sus actividades pasan por la intermediación de una pantalla.
On y off están integrados completamente en su vida. Sin embargo, no nacieron con ella, sino que de la época analógica en la que vivieron migraron al mundo digital.
A diferencia de las generaciones anteriores, el mundo, con motivo de la crisis económica, les exige una mayor preparación para optar a un puesto de trabajo, donde cada vez la competencia se hace mayor.
No obstante, la generación del milenio vive con la etiqueta de ser perezosa, narcisista y consentida. De hecho, la revista Time los catalogó en 2014 como la generación del yo-yo-yo.
Also known as digital natives, people born between 1980 and 2000 are considered millennials or generation Y.
Technology is part of their daily lives: all their activities are mediated by a screen.
On and off are completely integrated into their lives. However, they were not born with it, but from the analogue era in which they lived they migrated to the digital world.
Unlike previous generations, the world, due to the economic crisis, is demanding that they be better prepared to take up employment, where competition is becoming increasingly fierce.
However, the millennium generation lives with the label of being lazy, narcissistic and spoiled. In fact, in 2014, Time magazine called them the yo-yo-yo generation.
Con edades por debajo de los 20 años, la generación Z o posmilenial ocupará el protagonismo dentro de unas décadas.
También catalogados como centenial, por haber venido al mundo en pleno cambio de siglo —los mayores son del año 1995 y los más pequeños nacieron en 2010—, llegaron con una tablet y un smartphone debajo del brazo.
Pero, ¿qué es la generación Z? Es un conjunto de personas que está marcada por Internet.
Forma parte de su ADN: irrumpe en su casa, en su educación y en su forma de socializar. Y si la generación Y lo tiene complicado para encontrar trabajo, la situación de los posmilenials es todavía peor.
Su dominio de las tecnologías quizá hace que descuiden más sus relaciones interpersonales, pero son los que dan más voz a las causas sociales por Internet.
Les gusta obtener todo lo que desean de forma inmediata, hecho propiciado por el mundo digital en el que están inmersos, y su estilo de vida también está marcado por los youtubers.
Son multitarea, pero su tiempo de atención es muy breve. Son independientes y consumidores exigentes y ocuparán puestos de trabajo que hoy en día aún no existen.
With ages below 20, the Z or post-millennial generation will be in the limelight in a few decades.
Also catalogued as centennial, for having come to the world at the turn of the century -the oldest are from 1995 and the youngest were born in 2010-, they arrived with a tablet and a smartphone under their arm.
But what is Generation Z? It is a group of people who are marked by the Internet.
It's part of their DNA: it breaks into their home, their education and their way of socialising. And if Generation Y has a hard time finding a job, the situation of the post-millennial is even worse.
Their mastery of technology may mean that they neglect their interpersonal relationships more, but they are the ones who give most voice to social causes on the Internet.
They like to get everything they want immediately, which is made possible by the digital world in which they are immersed, and their lifestyle is also marked by youtubers.
They are multitaskers, but their attention span is very short. They are independent and demanding consumers, and they will occupy jobs that do not yet exist.
Limitación de la circulación de personas en horario nocturno, de 22.00 a 6.00 horas, excepto para la Nochebuena y la Nochevieja, en que se retrasa el inicio de esta limitación a las 00.30, exclusivamente para el retorno al domicilio habitual.
Se restringe la entrada y salida de personas a la isla de Tenerife desde las 24.00 horas del día 18 de diciembre (viernes) hasta el 1 de enero de 2021 y además se recomienda evitar la movilidad entre sus municipios.
En las fiestas claves (24, 25 y 31 de diciembre y 1 de enero) las comidas y cenas navideñas se reducen a 6 personas y un máximo de 2 unidades de convivencia.
Se limita el aforo de los centros comerciales a un 33% de su capacidad por planta, así como las plazas de los aparcamientos a un 50%. Esta restricción sería aplicable, también, al resto de comercios que no forman parte de un gran establecimiento. Lo que sí queda suspendido es todo evento multitudinario, incluyendo mercadillos, ferias y verbenas, entre otros.
Se suspende también toda la actividad deportiva que se haga en espacios interiores y el ejercicio físico en exteriores solo se prodrá realizar de manera individual, con excepción del deporte profesional.
Limitation of the movement of persons at night, from 22.00 to 6.00 hours, except for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, when the start of this limitation is delayed to 00.30 hours, exclusively for the return to the usual address.
The entry and exit of people to the island of Tenerife is restricted from 24.00 hours on the 18th of December (Friday) until the 1st of January 2021 and it is also recommended that mobility between its municipalities is avoided.
During the key holidays (24th, 25th and 31st December and 1st January), Christmas lunches and dinners are reduced to 6 people and a maximum of 2 cohabitation units.
The capacity of shopping centres is limited to 33% of their capacity per floor, and parking spaces are limited to 50%. This restriction would also apply to the rest of the shops that are not part of a large establishment. What is suspended is any mass event, including markets, fairs and festivals, among others.
All indoor sports activities are also suspended and outdoor physical exercise can only be carried out individually, with the exception of professional sports.
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